USB/uLan Analog to Digital Converter - ULAD 31

Availability notice: The ULAD 31 is not produced any more, please, look at enhanced ULAD 32 offer. It presents complete electronics redesign after 6 years of sucesfull ULAD 31 production and users satisfaction. The design is based on today technology leading components and offers better signal to noise ration, I/O over-voltage and over-current protections and additional peak selector/solvent recycling functions.
The ULAD 31 is an single channel high resolution analog to digital converter with integrated USB and uLan connectivity. The device has been designed specially for HPLC and other analytical detectors data acquisition use, where resolution is more important than higher data rate. Unique integration with communication interfaces allows to connect device directly to usual desktop computer USB port or to use uLan protocol network to connect multiple ULAD 31 or another devices interconnected by RS-485 based bus. This allows to overcome USB bus wiring length limitation (5 meters) and connect more than ten devices in the range of hundred meters. The ULAD 31 device can provide interfacing function between USB and uLan network or other cards and converters providing uLan interfacing can be utilized (supported PCI cards, uLan-to-USB converters). This allows to use one ULAD 31 to acquire analog data from third party detector and provide control to other PiKRON HPLC devices for example. More third party instruments plugged to the system by connecting another ULAD 31 devices.
The ULAD 31 connected locally by USB means or into ulan networks is directly compatible and recognized by CHROMuLAN HPLC control and data acquisition system. The ULAD 31 connected to USB port can be used to distribute power into up to three more ULAD 31 devices to reduce need of power suplies for these devices.
Quantity | Value | Units |
Supply voltage | 5 to 12 | VDC |
Max. single unit supply current | 100 | mA |
Max. supply current in power distribution mode | 500 | mA |
Absolute max. analog input voltage | ±15 | V |
Number of analog inputs (continuous acquisition) | 1 | |
Analog input multiplexer | ( 2 ch. ) | (optional) |
Sampling frequency | 10 | Hz |
Basic input voltage range (gain ×1) | ±10 | V |
Software selectable gain and range reduction | ×1,×2,×4, … ,×64,×128 | |
AD converter resolution | 18 to 20 | bit |
Width of input software filter | from 1 to 64 samples | |
Number of digital inputs/outputs | 4 / 4 | |
Sample valve position/mark detection | Yes | |
Communication interface | RS-485 | |
Protocol | uLan | |
Communication baud rate | 19200 | Baud |