Liquid chromatograph LC5000

Liquid chromatograph LC 5000 is a complex HPLC system consists of independent modules. Each of these modules can also be used separately. Communication between modules and communication with control PC (with CHROMuLAN software) is simply done by RS485 communication. When using a control computer, LC 5000 can be operated as a fully automatic device.
Fields of application: medicine, hygiene, ecology, agriculture and food industry, production of pure substances, drugs and biotechnologies.
Basic modules:
Pump - Precise analytical and semipreparative pump LCP 5020 or preparative LCP 5080 and LCP5400.
Detector – spectrophotometric UV-VIS detector LCD 5000 with wavelength selection from 190-700 nm or UV detector LCD 5254 with fixed wavelength 254nm.
Additional modules:
Autosampler LCS 5040
Column oven LCT